Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever Top BreedersLabrador Retriever Top Breeders
Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds to be kept as pets. They are known for their gentle and loving behaviour. Labrador retrievers have always been one of the most preferred family dogs. This is probably because of the fact that are naturally playful and friendly.

Labrador Retriever PuppiesLabrador Retriever Puppies
Because Labrador colouration is controlled by multiple genes, it is possible for recessive genes to emerge some generations later and also there can sometimes be unexpected pigmentation effects to different parts of the body.

Labrador Retriever Dogs 1Labrador Retriever Dogs Pictures
Labrador Retrievers are available in 3 varying colours yellow, black and chocolate. Pigmentation effects appear in regard to yellow Labradors, and sometimes chocolate, and hence the majority of this section covers pigmentation within the yellow Labrador. The most common places where pigmentation is visible are the nose, lips, gums, feet, tail, and the rims of the eyes, which may be black, brown, light yellow-brown.